Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hodgepodge Mod Podge

I have just been tickled with the addition of Pinterest in my life.  Appropriately I found this on Pinterest...

I feel like there is never enough time, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to give it a good go most time.  One of my favorite discoveries from Pinterest was Mod Podge.  I always considered myself fairly crafty, but was unaware of this product and all of the cool things you could do with it.  One of the first projects I tackled at school was to create Mod Podge clipboards with my class.  We were constantly using clipboards when we did activities on the carpet, around school, and outside so these were the perfect craft.  Check them out!  The kids loved them and it was really fun.  I had some of my wonderful parent volunteers help out too, which made the process lot easier.  

I also decided my desk needed a little spicing up.  :)

I took a break from the Mod Podge and decided to paint the ceiling tiles! It was actually a little more challenging that I thought it was going to be.  The painting wasn't hard.  Getting them in and out had me sweating.  The corners crumbled a little and I was scared they were going to break in half, but I got them back in in one piece.  Phew.  I was not looking forward to reporting the news if that had not been the case.  The kids love it and the parents always comment when they come in.  :)

It's expanding to my home life as well.  Some projects have gone better than others.  ;)  If anyone has any cool projects they've done, please share!

On a side note, totally unrelated to teaching, I just got ENGAGED.  I couldn't be more excited!  That will probably put my classroom decorating mission on hold, but my good buddy Pinterest isn't letting me down in that department either.  Good gracious, it is so awesome to see so many great wedding ideas and get inspiration from photos that are posted!  Check out my handsome fiancé.  Isn't he cute?  :)

Have a great rest of the week!